Did you know that the majority of the mainstream cosmaceutical manufacturers, known collectively as The Personal Care Products Council (formerly the Cosmetics Toiletry and Fragrance Association) are actually lobbying against laws that might protect the consumer, that is you and me? Instead of making all their products safer, they are just fighting to maintain the status quo, which is anything but comforting. Obviously any of the companies in this group will not be getting my custom as they are not committed to safety and in my opinion, they are not providing professional skincare.

Let me tell you a few things about professional skincare product which I have discovered in my search for ingredients which are not hazardous. I discovered that there are 100% natural ingredients which can be used and they are totally skin friendly. In addition I discovered that there is no need for parabens to preserve these products as natural substitutes can be found. Paraben free products are not a mirage!
